Wednesday, 19 November 2008

nothing doing

well, great plans and all that. I set this blog up over a year ago and it's had about as many readers as listeners to Shetland FM. So I've decided to shift the focus of the blog (giving it up was never an option). Rather than a vitriolic rant from me I'm going to use it to showcase my scribbles, scratchings and general messings about with paper and a pencil. It's going to be an extention of my 'A day off doing nothing' newsletter that most people have found......well quite interesting or better than a poke in the eye with a stick anyway. So from now on let's say FOD to the posturing and say hello to what being a designer is all (I hope). Lots of love 'n' stuff. D.


Unknown said...

His brother loved him

Unknown said...

His brother loved him