Friday 8 June 2007

we know the marketing that goes

'We know the colours that go.'
What a statement. 'We know.' Not we will suggest or recommend but 'we know.' No messing, no flannel. We have positioned ourselves as the experts and everybody else really can't question our understanding. It's a standard marketing ploy to position yourself as an expert and hats off to Dulux as they have done this so well and have a great campaign to back up this statement. So much so that I bet their colour charts have become the dog eared bibles of home decorating across the country. Designers may stick they collective necks out to say that tonally some of the matches could be better or that some of the colours that 'don't go' could with a little tweaking, but the success of the campaign means that they would be questioning the new colour experts. Modern marketing done well and backed up by a great advertising campaign. Dulux say they know the colours that go and if they have the balls to say that who are we to question?

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